This DVD deals with the advance of the enemies of Christ in secular affairs.
DVD: The Communist and Masonic Infiltration of America and the Catholic Church
This DVD shows:
• what Communism really is
• how modern day "Catholics" endorse communist and freemasonic ideas and philosophies which are opposed to Catholic teaching
Approximate Time: 1 hour, 24 min.
DVD: Abortion, Rock Music, and Freemasonry Exposed
This DVD shows:
• that rock music played backwards contains hidden satanic messages
• the wicked inner practices of the Freemasonic Lodge
• that the Freemasons regard Catholicism as their number one enemy
Approximate Time: 55 minutes
DVD: Freemasonry's Vast Influence over America
This DVD shows:
• the influential positions that Freemasons have dominated for years, and more...
• documentation from Freemasonic sources of this incredible influence in America
Approximate Time: 1 hour