This DVD gives the most essential information for a person to save his soul in these days. The programs on Creation and Death explain the origin and end of man, and the terrible consequences of rejecting God. The programs on Benedict XVI and the New Mass explain the present crisis in the Church, in which antipopes rule from Rome and have replaced the traditional Latin Mass with an invalid Protestant service.
DVD: The Amazing Heresies of Benedict XVI
This DVD shows that Benedict XVI is a manifest heretic. It shows that Benedict XVI teaches:
• that Our Lord may not be the Messiah
• that the Old Covenant is valid
• that Jews and others can be saved without believing in Christ
• that schismatics and Protestants don't need conversion
• that non-Catholics are not bound to accept Vatican I
• that Protestant Monasteries should be formed
• that Protestantism is not even heresy
• that Mass is valid without words of Consecration
• that infant baptism has no purpose
• that Scripture is filled with myths
• that he esteems other religions
• that the false religion of Islam is noble
• that pagan religions are high
• that salvation can be had outside the Church
• that Catholic dogmas need to be purged
• that Vatican II rejected Catholic teaching on religious liberty
• that the unity of the Church does not exist
• that the Resurrection of the Body will not occur
This DVD contains unparalleled research that has been derived from reading 24 books and many speeches from Benedict XVI.
Approximate Time: 1 hour, 5 min.
DVD: Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid
This DVD shows:
• incredible and shocking pictures of the sacrileges and profanations that are commonplace at the New Mass
• that the New Mass systematically removed traditionally Catholic concepts from the true Mass
• that the New Mass is the changing of the Catholic Mass into a Protestant service
• that the New Mass, which was instituted by Paul VI after Vatican II, is not Catholic, sacrilegious, scandalous and invalid
• that the New Rite of Ordination — which was instituted by Paul VI on June 18, 1968 after Vatican II — suffers from the same defects as the Anglican Rite of Ordination, which was declared to be invalid by Pope Leo XIII in his infallible Bull Apostolicae Curae
Approximate Time: 47 minutes
DVD: Creation & Miracles, Past and Present
An Extremely Important Tape That Everyone Needs to See!
This DVD:
• disproves Evolution
• gives evidence of a worldwide flood
• gives evidence of Biblical and modern day miracles
• shows incorrupt bodies of saints
• shows pictures of Eucharistic miracles
• discusses the miraculous details of the Shroud of Turin, the burial cloth of Jesus Christ
Approximate Time: 1 hour
DVD: Death and the Journey Into Hell
This DVD shows:
• how short life really is
• how quickly we are forgotten after we die
• the pains and various tortures of Hell
• the fewness of the saved
• the ways to avoid Hell
Approximate Time: 1 hour